All Re-Rack's (rr’s) are to be approved by the TD hosting. The TD must be called to the table to approve the RR. The TD's decision is final.


Last Pocket:
Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception until the 8 ball.
Wherever you make your last colored ball is the pocket that you must pot the 8 ball in.

Bank Eight:
Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: player must bank the 8 ball.(or Cueball if applicable)

Perfect English:
Balls are set up on table as indicated below (ball # or color does not matter)
Player may shoot from anywhere on table with cue ball hitting ONLY THE OBJECT BALL
If cue ball hits other ball after object ball, that players turn is over and potted balls are counted.
Each player gets 3 racks alternating.>
If player pots ball and hits other ball with white, potted ball counts in score.
If player scratches, there turn is over and all potted balls are counted.
Each player will return balls to correct possition before standing.
Total potted balls for each player after 3 racks and highest score wins match.


On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion.
Player shoots to make as many balls as possible.
You may shoot any ball on the table including the 8 ball, counting each SHOT... NOT balls made.
Your turn ends when you have potted all balls, miss a shot, or if you scratch.
If you scratch on the break or any time counts as 2 points and what ever shots you have taken and your turn is over.
The winner is the person with the least amount of shots taken to clear table without missing or scratching.
If there is a TIE both players shoot until TIE is broken, Set up tables as shown below.


On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion.
Players shoot until they miss, then total all balls potted. Each ball counts as 1 point except the black which counts as 2 points.
If a player scratches while potting a ball, that ball is not counted.
Each player gets three racks. If a player pots all balls in a rack, the player gets 21 points (which includes 5 bonus points for potting the entire rack). Player then re-racks and continues shooting until they miss or all three racks are potted.
If a player scratches on the break, 0 points are counted and it is the next players turn. Next player re-racks and starts his turn.
Player with the highest score wins.

On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
Game is same as Regular 8 Ball with one exception, first player to pot the 8 ball wins. This means any time either player has an opportunity to pot the 8 ball, they may do so.
No BIH even after scratches.
If a scratch occurs, cue ball must be placed in default location.
You cannot pot 8 in a combo of any kind, even slop.

On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion.
Players shoot to clear all balls off table and COUNT each shot until all balls are potted.
Second player does same until all balls are potted, ONLY 1 rack each.
WINNER is player with LOWEST amount of shots taken to clear table of all balls.
Scratch counts 2 points, Scratch on break = player adds 2 points and continues to shoot.
You may shoot ANY ball at ANY time, Including 8 ball.

On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion.
First player keeps score, both players start with 3 lives.
Players shoot alternatively at any ball.
If you miss or scratch, you lose a life and opponent shoots.
If you scratch on the break, you lose a life.
If nothing is made on the break, same player shoots again without losing a life.
Player that has 0 lives left is the loser.

Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Tables. TD makes the initial break.
Each player nominates a ball that represents them (a torch).
Players pick balls based on seeding. Players shoot once then stand.
Players have 2 lives, if their ball that represents them is potted, they lose 1 life.
If a player scratches or misses, they lose 1 life. Once you lose 2 lives, the TD boots you from the table.
Last person at table is the Winner.

Cut Throat:
This is a 3 player bracket per round top of bracket makes table protects it and invites.
Players are assigned balls as follows.







    Players take turns shooting, the order of shooting is done in order of top to bottom of the bracket.
    On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion unless specified by the TD. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
    The player that breaks gets 1 shot ONLY, even if they fail to pot a ball off the break.
    As soon as a player misses a shot or scratches they stand up and the next player sits to shoot.
    If a player shoots out of order they automatically lose. The player whose turn it WAS gets ball in hand. >
    Moving the cueball is loss.
    You MAY combo off other balls to shoot one of your own in.
    In the event of a match having only two teams, the 6-10 balls will become neutral. (ie. the game may end with some or all of balls 6-10 on the table)

Bank Them All:
Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.>
Play as Regular 8 ball with one exception: you MUST bank every shot. No cue ball banks are allowed.

Balls are set up on table (img #1 - Note: ball # or color does not matter)
Player may start from anywhere behind the line (in the kitchen area)
Player must pot all balls on the table starting with the outside balls first, then the triangle.
Players start with 0 points. Points are given is player misses +1, scratches +2, or disrupts the triangle before the outside balls are potted +3
Only higher of penalties is counted ie. if player misses AND disrupts the triangle then only the 3 points are given for disrupting the triangle)
Player will return balls to correct position before standing.
Player with the lowest score after potting all balls is the winner.


Bank Robbery:
Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack
Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: no bank shots are allowed at any time by either the played ball or the cue.
If you bank you, tap cueball to give to your opponent. (unless your regular shot ball drops first)

Out of Bounds:
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: the 2 side pockets on YOUR side of the table are Out of Bounds...
If you sit in the Left hand seat you CANNOT pot ANY of your balls (including 8ball) into the top or bottom Left corner pockets.
If you sit in the Right hand seat you CANNOT pot ANY of your balls (including 8ball) into the top or bottom Right corner pockets.
If you pot any of your balls into any Out of Bound pockets you must tap the cue ball as to give to your opponent. (Balls potted in wrong pockets on Break are OK).

Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception.
The aim of a "Flawless" tourney is to NOT make any mistakes whatsoever (SO DO NOT SCRATCH OR GIVE BIH) - you make a mistake and you lose!!!
If you lose then you must forfeit the game to your opponent do NOT continue to play out the game.

Banks n Combos:
Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
Game is played as normal but you need to combo (use 1 ball to hit another ball which goes in a pocket) or bank (play off of a rail ) ALL your shots
If this does not happen the player needs to give cue ball to opponent by tapping it. .

Played on PROTECTED TRAING tables.
The aim of RACK AND RUN is to sink more balls than your opponent through 2 racks..
If you scratch or miss (not including the break) it becomes your opponents turn.
All balls, stripes or solids (Not the Cue ball) are worth the same which is 1 point.
The player with the higher Yahoo rating breaks.
Any form of break, except the Purple Ball Break, is allowed as long as the cueball is to the left of the line.
If No ball is potted on the Break, the player gets another shot.
If the player puts in all 15 balls, The table is reset and his/her turn continues. But you must sink a ball on the break to continue.
Any balls sunk on the same shot as a scratch are still counted.
If you scratch on break, you auto rerack.
BIH is not to be taken at any time other than the break. Any coloured balls must never be moved .
The player who sinks the most balls at the end of 2 racks is the winner - 3 racks in finals.
After a player misses or scratches, the next player resets the table and begins.

The object of the game is to pocket 30 balls before your opponent.
One player sits and starts to shoot any ball on table.
SCRATCH ON BREAK DOES NOT COUNT, collect ball, place in center of baulkline and continue.
If you miss or scratch stop shooting and count balls pocketed and stand.
Keep taking turns, continuing your total every time you are shooting.
There is no limit to amount of shots per turn, if you run out of balls re rack and start again continuing the count. .
If you move the cue at any stage with an exception to the break your turn is over and you must count balls made.
The player that reaches 30 first is the Winner.

Default Eight:
Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: player must pote 8 ball into the Default (Top Middle)pocket.