< style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #bebebe 6px double; BORDER-LEFT: #bebebe 6px double; BORDER-TOP: #bebebe 6px double; BORDER-RIGHT: #bebebe 6px double"
* 2v2 SHOOT n STAND *
*~* Played on PROTECTED UNRATED Tables.
*~* All players of the two teams playing each other will play at the same table.
*~* The teams will decide who is to play first for each team.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* The players then take one shot then stand , even if they pot a ball, then the other player of the team takes the seat , then
will continue to alternate and take shots..
*~* Game will be designated by TD and players must follow those game rules.
*~* If a player from a Team is MIA (missing in action) then a timer may be called or the player whos partner isnt there may
call for a replacement player till their teammate returns.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED UNRATED Tables
*~* All players of the two teams playing each other will play at the same table.
*~* The teams will decide who is to play first for each team.
*~* Move cue ball at least 1 ball width on break on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a
*~* The players then will take it in turns but they carry on shooting till they miss, then there partner takes the seat.
*~* Game will be designated by TD and players must follow those game rules.
*~* If a player from a Team is MIA (missing in action) then a timer may be called or the player whos partner isnt there may
call for a replacement player till their teammate returns.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED UNRATED Tables.
*~* The players will play BO3 on seperate tables.
*~* The player first in the bracket will play the opponents first player in the bracket and the 2nd player in the bracket will
play the opponents second player.
*~* Move cue ball at least 1 ball width on break on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a
*~* If the players of the same team win, that would be a 2 - 0 scoreline and that team goes through.
*~* Game will be designated by TD and players must follow those game rules.
*~* If one player from each team wins then the score is 1 - 1 and the two winners will face off to decide the winning team with
a 2 - 1 scoreline.
*~* If a player from a Team is MIA (missing in action) then a timer may be called or the player whos partner isnt there, may
call for a replacement player till their teammate returns.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~*8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* All balls must be made in corner pockets. If a ball goes into a center pocket, player must tap cue and give opponent the ball (unless a ball goes into the corner pocket as well).
*~* 8 ball must be made in CORNER pocket as well..
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* 10 SHOTS *
*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Tables.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Break counts as 1 shot. You may shoot any ball on the table including the 8 ball. Your turn ends after you have shot 10
times. At the end of your turn count up the balls you have pocketed, each ball counts as 1 point.
*~* As you shoot, your opponent is to type the shot count after each shot so there is no confusion or contention over the shots.
*~* If you scratch at any time keep shooting. No BIH, cue must be placed on center of yellow line.
*~* The winner is the person with the most balls potted. In case of a draw at the end of 10 shots, play another 5 shots each
until a winner has been decided. There is no ball in hand, if you move the ball your turn is over.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* You must pot the balls in the following order (solids and stripes are the same order): BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE, PINK,
PURPLE, RED, YELLOW (alphabetical order), the 8 BALL is always last.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: no bank shots are allowed at any time by either the played ball or
the cue.
*~* If you bank you must tap and give the cueball to your opponent (unless your regular
shot ball drops first).
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*~* Game is played on PROTECTED & RATED tables (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played as normal but you need to combo (use 1 ball to hit another ball which goes in a pocket) or bank (play off of
a rail ) ALL your shots
*~* If this does not happen the player needs to give cue ball to opponent by tapping it.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED TRAINING tables.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: The eight ball must be banked into designated pocket. (or cue ball,
if applicable)
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* No ball in hand allowed.
*~* Scratch shot must be made from behind the line and shoot forward, not at anything already behind the line.
*~* If this is not followed, you will lose the game.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* Firstly you need to know what is meant by "baulk line".
*~* The "baulk line" is the line that you see drawn across the left hand end of the table.
The tourney works like this:
*~* 8 on break is an automatic re-rack.
*~* You must take every ball in hand from behind it - (to the left of it) - just like you are required to do when you break and
shoot 'up' the table to the right - never back to the left.
*~* Failure to do so results in the loss of the game..
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* BBLM *
*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table.
*~* Black ball is used to break and shoot.
*~* Shoot any ball in any order (including white).
*~* Shoot until all balls are made.
*~* Opponent counts each miss (misses only, not scratches)
*~* Player with least misses wins !
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* BLACK JACK * (21)
*~* The object of the game is to reach 21 points. First player to reach 21 without going over, wins. Rules are as follows:
*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Tables.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* You sit and shoot. Then you stand. Then report your ball points at the table, then it is your opponents shot.
*~* If you make a ball and then scratch, you still count the full value of the ball, and your turn is over.
*~* If you scratch without making a ball you stand, this counts on the break also.
*~* If you make more then one ball, you count the full value of each ball.
*~* If you wish to bank, you can either count the ball as one point, or use the full value of the ball.
*~* If you wish to bank, first let your opponent know whether your using full value or just one point.
*~* If you go bust ( you go over 21 ) then you lose.
*~* If you shoot at ball called for bank and miss but slop in another ball, that ball counts as full value of ball without bank
YELLOW = 1 BLUE = 2 RED = 3 PURPLE = 4 ORANGE = 5 GREEN = 6 PINK = 7 BLACK = 8
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables.(unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
*~* 8 on break is an automatic rerack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: wherever you make your BLUE ball is the pocket that you must pot
the 8 ball in.
*~* Blue ball can be made at any time during the game.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* Blind Swiss is a 5 round true Swiss tournament with special rules for each round (Swiss rules are every player plays
every round unless they are asked to be removed from the Tournament.
*~* ROUND 1 = Default 8 - Please see Rules for Default.
*~* ROUND 2 = Last Pocket - Please see Rules for Last Pocket.
*~* ROUND 3 = Bank the 8 or Cue - Please see Rules for Bank the 8 or Cue
*~* ROUND 4 = Reg 8 - Please see Rules for Reg 8
*~* ROUND 5 = 4 Corners - Please see Rules For 4 Corners
*~* The winner of this Tournament is whoever wins most games through 5 Rounds and Places 1st at the
top of the table.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED Training Tables.
*~* On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a
*~* Bomb rack and run is played as normal rack n run with a twist the 8 ball must NOT be potted at any time and must still be
on the table at the end of the rack.
*~* It is normally played over two racks and you stand at 14 leaving the 8 ball unpotted then your opponent will try and do
the same .
*~* In the event of a Tie, then both players will keep playing racks till a winner is determined.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table.
*~* Each Player will take turns shooting once and then stand. You shoot in order of line up in Room (ie. alphabetical order).
*~* When you miss a shot, or scratch, YOU are booted from the table by TD and are out of tourney.
*~* So if you Sink a Ball, great, you get to stay in room and keep playing, if not, bye bye your gone
*~* You may sink any ball in any order but try not to sink the cue ball.
*~* You Can only move the Cue ball if the person before you scratched and it has to stay behind yellow line.
*~* Last person at table is the Winner.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table.
*~* Each Player will take turns shooting once and then stand. You shoot in order of line up in Room (ie aplhabetcial order).
*~* Bootem Rules Apply. Normal Bootem format although if you make a bank shot you may choose a player to be booted from
the tournement. The bank shot MUST be called, not only the pocket but the ball you will be banking or it WONT count and
you cannot choose a player.
*~* When you miss a shot, or scratch, YOU are booted from the table by TD and are out of tourney.
*~* So if you Sink a Ball, great, you get to stay in room and keep playing , if not, bye bye your gone.
*~* You may sink any ball in any order but try not to sink the cue ball.
*~* You Can only move the Cue ball if the person before you scratched and it has to stay behind yellow line.
*~* Last person at table is the Winner.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table.
*~* Each Player will take turns shooting once and then stand. You shoot in order of line up in Room (ie alphabetical).
*~* When you miss a shot, or scratch, YOU are booted from the table by TD and are out of tourney.
*~* So if you Sink a Ball, great, you get to stay in room and keep playing , if not, bye bye your gone.
*~* You may sink any ball in any order but do NOT sink the 8 ball.
*~* 8 ball cannot be touched or moved whatsoever. If a player does boooooom they get booted! If the 8 ball is the only ball
remaining on the table then it can be sunk
*~* You Can only move the Cue ball if the person before you scratched and it has to stay behind yellow line.
*~* Last person at table is the Winner.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table
*~* Normal rules apply but every shot must be taken at full power. Hold the shot for 3 secs so we see the power bar at full
strength before releasing your shot.
*~* Each Player will take turns shooting once and then stand. You shoot in order of line up in Room (ie alphabetical).
*~* When you miss a shot, or scratch, YOU are booted from the table by TD and are out of tourney.
*~* So if you Sink a Ball, great, you get to stay in room and keep playing , if not, bye bye your gone.
*~* You may sink any ball in any order but try not to sink the cue ball.
*~* You Can only move the Cue ball if the person before you scratched and it has to stay behind yellow line.
*~* Last person at table is the Winner.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table.
*~* Each Player will take turns shooting once and then stand. You shoot in order of line up in Room (ie alphabetical).
*~* This is played as a normal bootem except the person who pots the black (8ball) gets to choose who to boot from the table!
*~* If you pot the black and the white together you may not choose who to boot and you must leave the table. The black is now
not in play until TD resets the table for the next rack.
*~* When you miss a shot, or scratch, YOU are booted from the table by TD and are out of tourney.
*~* So if you Sink a Ball, great, you get to stay in room and keep playing , if not, bye bye your gone.
*~* You may sink any ball in any order but try not to sink the cue ball.
*~* You Can only move the Cue ball if the person before you scratched and it has to stay behind yellow line.
*~* Last person at table is the Winner.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table.
*~* Normal Bootem, except, on your first go you only have to sink 1 ball. On your second time around you must shoot and pot 2
balls. On third time its 3 balls etc. Should you pot one and miss the second etc then you lose and are booted.
*~* Each Player will take turns shooting once and then stand. You shoot in order of line up in Room (ie alphabetical).
*~* When you miss a shot, or scratch, YOU are booted from the table by TD and are out of tourney.
*~* So if you Sink a Ball, great, you get to stay in room and keep playing , if not, bye bye your gone.
*~* You may sink any ball in any order but try not to sink the cue ball.
*~* You Can only move the Cue ball if the person before you scratched and it has to stay behind yellow line.
*~* Last person at table is the Winner.
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* B.O.S. *
*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* Game is played as regular 8 ball game.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* A scratch gives your opponent BIH playable from anywhere on the table.
*~* Players are divided into two teams: Men and Women.
*~* Each group plays a standard tourney format.
*~* At the end of all matches, winner of Men�s Team plays the winner of the Women�s Team ( best 2 of 3 )for the title as
Winner of the BOS Tourney.
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*~* Played on Protected Training tables.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Played as RNR but every bank counts as a point.
*~* The first player breaks, only one shot per person. The players will take turns even if they do not miss their shot.
*~* A single straight in shot means 0 points so to make the points u have to bank. Each bank counts as points e.g a single bank
is one point, a double bank is worth 2 points a triple bank is worth 4 points any other bank other than a triple bank is 10
points so if you make a 4 rail bank it is 10 points.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: All shots must be called and wrote at table e.g red stripe Bottom
*~* If a shot is not called then player must tap and give cue ball to opponent.
*~* If your ball goes into a pocket you have not called first you must Tap to give the cue ball to your opponent.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Tables
*~* Player may shoot from anywhere on table with cue ball hitting ONLY THE OBJECT BALL
*~* If cue ball hits another ball after object ball, that players turn is over and potted balls are counted
*~* If player pots ball and hits other ball with white, potted ball counts in score
*~* If player scratches, there turn is over and all potted balls are counted
*~* Players return balls to correct position before standing
*~* Tables need to be set up as shown below.
*~* Player with most balls potted wins match.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: player must make the 8 ball into Default (Top Middle) pocket.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: player must make the 8 ball into the same pocket as their 1st
colored ball.(AFTER BREAK)
*~* Any colored balls made on break do not count as your first pocket.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table.
*~* The object of the game is to pocket 30 balls before your opponent.
*~* One player sits and starts to shoot any ball on table.
*~* SCRATCH ON BREAK DOES NOT COUNT, collect ball, and shoot behind the line.( **Shooting behind the line is defined
as placing the cue ball to the left of the line, and shooting a ball to the right of the line.
*~* If you miss or scratch stop shooting and count balls pocketed and stand.
*~* Keep taking turns, continuing your total every time you are shooting.
*~* There is no limit to amount of shots per turn, if you run out of balls re rack and start again continuing the count.
*~* If you move the cue at any stage with an exception to the break your turn is over and you must count balls made.
*~* You may not put the cue to the left of the line, and shoot a ball also on the left of the line!.
*~* The player that reaches 30 first is the Winner.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception:
*~* The aim of a "Flawless" tourney is to NOT make any mistakes whatsoever (SO DO NOT SCRATCH OR GIVE BIH) - you
make a mistake and you lose!!!
*~* If you lose by making a mistake then you must forfeit the game to your opponent do NOT continue to play out the game.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception.
*~* EVERY shot MUST be made with pull power (power bar all the way in red!)
*~* If you do not take a shot at full power, tap the cueball to give your opponent the cue ball.
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* HIGH / LOW *
*~* Game played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~*8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Solids or (low balls) must be pocketed in bottom three pockets and Stripes (high balls) to be potted in top three.
*~* The 8 ball to be potted in any of the 3 pockets you have been shooting throughout game (ie: if you were solids, pot the 8
ball in one of the bottom 3 pockets).
*~* If you hit one of your object balls into the correct pocket, and also pocket one that is not in the right pockets, it still is
a good shot.. You continue shooting.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table.
*~* Killer is a 1v1v1 format tournament. Each player has three lives to begin with, and the aim is to be the only one with any
lives left.
*~* The player at the top of the list on the standings page takes the seat and breaks.
*~* If the player sinks a coloured ball then the players turn is over, if the player scratches then the player loses 1 life and
the players turn is over. If the player does not sink a ball or scratch the player does not lose a life and has another shot
*~* You may sink any ball in any order, If you sink the 8 ball you GAIN 1 life back!
*~* Scratch or miss,and you lose 1 life.
*~* The last player with one or more lives is the winner.
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*~* Game is played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: player must make the 8 ball into same pocket as their last coloured
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*~* Game is played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~*8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* The only pockets that CAN be used are the top left, top middle, and top right...or... the bottom left, bottom middle, and
bottom right.
*~* Which ever side your first ball AFTER break, falls in (top or bottom). All your other balls including the 8 must fall in
that side as well.
*~* Opponent has the opposite side of the table.
*~* If you aim for the other side and make it, it is an automatic DQ.
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*~* Game played on PROTECTED & RATED table. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception.
*~* When you get to the 8 ask TD in lobby what pocket for the 8. This remains your pocket for 8 till sunk.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED TRAINING tables.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* The object of the game is to run the table before your opponent does.
*~* TD creates both protected training table and invite 1 opponent on separate tables.
*~* NO bih after break is made.
- Be sure you are ready at the same time & can both see the lobby. Set table, including moving cue on break and setting up
*~* Type READY in lobby when ready. Watch for TD to say GOOOO!
*~* After you have ran your table, go to lobby & type in "done" in lobby.
*~* If you are first to type it in, you are winner
*~* If you scratch, place cue anywhere on table, and continue to shoot.
*~* If you reset the table at any point during the game, means an automatic loss!
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* All balls must be made in middle 2 pockets. If a ball goes into a corner pocket, player must tap and give cue ball to opponent (unless a ball goes into the middle pocket first).
*~* 8 ball must be made in middle pocket as well.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is same as Regular 8 Ball with one exception; Every shot must be called .. including banks i.e. red in top left using
right rail, or blue stripe in lower middle using top rail.
*~* If you make a ball other than the one called you must tap to give cue ball to opponent.
*~* If you fail to call your shot its a tap. (Failure to call twice forfeits game)
*~* Tapping is hitting the cue ball as easily as possible so as not to move it, but just give control.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING tables.
*~* Players shoot until they miss, then total all balls potted.
*~* Each Pocket is worth Points . Middles = 10 points . Corners = 5 points.
*~* -2 points if you scratch and ball must be played behind the baulk line and shot forward.
*~* The aim of this tournament is to score more points than your opponent in 1 rack of balls.
*~* -2 points if you scratch and ball must be played behind the baulk line and shot forward. If you manage to drop the 8 ball in any pocket at the start without any other balls down you will gain 20 points.
*~* You only get one chance to drop the 8 from start if you miss it then you must carry on and the 8 becomes a regular ball.
*~* Player with the highest score wins.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED RATED Tables.
*~* Once a ball is potted, that pocket becomes part of your "vee" pattern (ie. if you make a ball in the lower left
pocket, top middle, and lower right become your pockets. ) From then on, all balls must be made in your designated pockets. 8 ball must
be last.
*~* If you make one in the wrong pocket by accident, tap ball to opponent.
*~* NO ball in hand from a tap - take it from where it lies.
*~* 8 ball MUST be made in one of your designated pockets as well.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED UNRATED Tables. (Except for Finals. They are played on Rated Tables)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Once a ball is potted, that becomes your pocket along with it's opposite pocket (ie. if you make a ball in the lower left
pocket, the upper right pocket is the opposite). From then on, all balls must be made in your 2 opposite pockets. 8 ball must
be last.
*~* If you make two or more balls on your first shot, you must choose ONE of the balls and whatever pocket it went into is
your pocket along with it's opposite.
*~* If you make one in the wrong pocket by accident, tap ball to opponent.
*~* NO ball in hand from a tap - take it from where it lies.
*~* 8 ball MUST be made in one of your designated pockets as well.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (Unless 2v2 then tables must be unrated)
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception. The top and bottom pockets of your side (ie where you are sitting)
are Out of Bounds.
*~* If you accidently hit one into the out of bounds pocket, TAP cue, and opponent gets control of cue ball.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: Players MUST pick pocket for the 8 BEFORE break.
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* RACK n RUN *
*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Table.
*~* The aim of RACK AND RUN is to sink more balls than your opponent through 2 racks.
*~* If you scratch or miss (not including the break) it becomes your opponents turn.
*~* All balls, stripes or solids (Not the Cue ball) are worth the same which is 1 point .
*~* The player with the higher Yahoo rating breaks .
*~* Any form of break, except the Purple Ball Break, is allowed as long as the cueball is to the left of the line.
*~* If No ball is potted on the Break, the player gets another shot.
*~* If the player puts in all 15 balls, The table is reset and his/her turn continues. But you must sink a ball on the break to
*~* Any balls sunk on the same shot as a scratch are still counted.
*~* If you scratch on break, you auto rerack.
*~* BIH is not to be taken at any time other than the break. Any coloured balls must never be moved .
*~* The player who sinks the most balls at the end of 2 racks is the winner - 3 racks in finals.
*~* After a player misses or scratches, the next player resets the table and begins.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED UNRATED Tables.
*~* 8 ball or either red ball on break is an automatic re-rack
*~* Play as Regular 8 ball with one exception: you MUST make your RED
ball (solid or stripe) LAST before the 8 ball is made.
*~* If you drop either RED ball early, you lose game.
*~* RED ball or 8 Ball made on break, is an auto rerack.
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*~* Game played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Pot all of the balls of your designation (solids or stripes) and then pot the 8 ball.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & UNRATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: When shooting the 8 ball, the opponent gets to call how the 8 must
be sunk.
*~* Either by banking it, calling a pocket or full power.
*~* Double or triple banking can not be specified.
*~* If the person misses and their opponent eventually gets a shot at sinking the 8, they too will dictate their opponents
*~* HERE'S THE CATCH, you can't call the same finishing shot twice in a row.
*~* You may only choose those 3 ways to sink the 8 ball but you are not allowed to choose the same way twice in a row.
*~* If 8 is pocketed other then how specified by opponent, then you will not be declared the winner.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: attempts to pot the 8 ball start at the top left pocket and proceed
to the pockets clockwise around the table until the 8 is potted.
*~* First attempt on 8 ball for both players is the Top Left corner. If missed, the next attempt is the Top Middle pocket.
*~* This goes in rotation until the 8 ball is potted (ie. Top Left, Top Middle, Top Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Middle, Bottom
*~* Each player keeps track of their own succession. It is possible for a player to be on his 3rd attempt (ie. Top Right) and
his opponent is on his 2nd attempt (ie. Top Middle).
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & Rated tables (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated). First Player listed makes
table and invites second player.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* You must pot your balls by rotating the pockets clockwise.
*~* For example, you pot your first ball in the top right pocket; you must pot your second ball in the bottom right pocket,
third ball in bottom middle pocket and so on.
*~* Continue until you have made all of your balls and the 8 ball in a clockwise pattern.
*~* Failure to advance to the next pocket clockwise will result in giving BIH to your opponent.
*~* Play continues until winner pots 8 ball in the correct rotated pocket.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: Your opponent calls the pocket for YOUR 8 when you get to it, that
remains your pocket until game is finished.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED).
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception. Once you are at the table you must not say anything, for any
reason, regardless of what is said.
*~* You must ignore and say nothing if you talk one word or one letter you lose!!!
*~* Even if someone comes onto the table and talks to you, to make you talk, you must say nothing till game is over.
*~* Once game is over you must leave silently and announce your win or loss to lobby.
*~* GL and GG are assumed.
*~* Entrapment counts so watch out for those tricky people.
*~* You can talk in the lobby and you can go to other tables and talk.
*~* You cannot talk on the table in which you are playing your opponent
*~* Repeat on this, do not say ANYTHING, not even GL or you lose.
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*~* Played on a training table and TD will invite the pairs to a table .
*~* The Object of the game is to clear all the balls off the table as fast as you can and hope your time is faster then what
your opponents is.
*~* TD is the official timer of all games.
*~* You can sink the ball in any order - for example you can shoot the 8 in first if you wish.
*~* If you scratch at any time, including on the break, the game is not over, you take BIH (ball in hand) put it on the table
and start shooting again
*~* But when you do scratch 5 SECONDS is added to your time at the end of your turn.
*~* The TD is the official time keeper and NO questions asked.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED UNRATED Tables.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is same as Regular 8 Ball with one exception, first player to pot the 8 ball wins. This means any time either player
has an opportunity to pot the 8 ball, they may do so.
*~* No BIH unless your opponent scratches.
*~* If a scratch occurs, cue ball must be played from behind the line and played forward. You cannot shoot any balls in the
kitchen area.
*~* You cannot pot 8 in a combo of any kind, even slop.
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*~* Played on PROTECTED UNRATED Tables.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Played as regular 8 ball game until finals. Finals is played like a 2 vs 2 game.
*~* Finalists pick another player from the tourney to partner with them in the finals.
*~* First finalist in match called selects their partner first.
*~* Only qualified finalist wins bux.
*~* If you lose, please stick around as you may be asked to partner in the finals.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & UNRATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is Played as a normal game but....balls MUST be sunk in this ORDER, YELLOW, BLUE, RED, ORANGE, GREEN,
PURPLE PINK,BLACK.The 8 ball is last*
*~* If you sink a ball out of order, you must tap and give cue ball to opponent.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Timers will be set by the TD they will be anything from 5 secs upwards. Reg 8 rules apply unless TD states different
tourney type.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* First name invites and has Top pockets ONLY, Second namein pairings had bottoms ONLY
*~* 8 Ball must go in perspective pockets as well
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* TOTAL W.D.Y.T. *
*~* Played on PROTECTED UNRATED Table. -
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* All Games played as Reg 8
*~* However, When both finalists are ready.
*~* Each will be asked to pick someone from the same tournament or the league to play the finals match for them.
*~* With the hope that they can play the rest of the game and win, while you get to sit and watch.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* True Swiss is a 5 round true Swiss tournament with special rules for each round (Swiss rules are every player plays
every round unless they are asked to be removed from the Tournament.)
*~* ROUND 1 = Called By TD.
*~* ROUND 2 = Called By TD.
*~* ROUND 3 = Called By TD.
*~* ROUND 4 = Called By TD.
*~* ROUND 5 = Called By TD.
*~* The winner of this Tournament is whoever wins most games through 5 Rounds and Places 1st at the top of the table.
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* W.D.Y.T. *
*~* Games played on PROTECTED & UNRATED tables.
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: when you get to the 8 ball, you must stop and invite another League
member to pot the 8 for you. TD is allowed to shoot
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & UNRATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* This is a True Swiss Tourney.
*~* All other normal tourney rules apply.
*~* Players play every round unless voted off.
*~* One loser gets voted off by the winners in each round.
*~* The losers will be posted in the lobby and the winners vote one at a time for one of the losers to be voted out.
*~* The loser with the most votes is the weakest link and out of the trny.
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*~* Games played on PROTECTED & RATED tables. (unless playing 2 vs 2, then table is unrated)
*~* 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
*~* Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: when you get to the 8 ball, player must make the 8 ball into pocket
directly under them (top left or top right, depending where you sit).
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Designed By: big_tim_1962