*~Bongwater . General . Rules~*

This is an ADULT League, no one under 18 please.

      1: Provisional players are welcome at Bongwater.

      2: Offensive IDs are not allowed in Bongwater.

      3: All members are expected to act like adults. If there is a problem, please contact an HTD or ADMIN immediately and let them handle it.

      4: This also applies to member conduct in the lobby during a tournament,,we are all adults,,,,the ignore feature is there for a reason,anyone creating / perpetuating drama during a tournament will be boxed 3 days,,,the second time will be 7 days,,,and the third time,,,kicked.

      5: Every staff member in Bongwater should be treated with respect. We are here to run tournaments for you in our own free time. Personal attacks against staff will not be tolerated and could result in you getting boxed and/or kicked.

      6: All staff members will also treat members with the same respect,we are all here to have fun and respect is a mutual thing,,,,any staff member disrespecting a lg member will be boxed and dropped from staff. If there is a clash of personalities,handle it civilly.

      7: There are no safeties allowed in this league. (A safety shot is one where a player intentionally misses a shot with the intent of hiding the cue ball so the opponent does not have a chance of hitting one of their balls. A safety could also be a player intentionally missing or scratching so as to make it impossible for opponent to make a shot at their balls). If this is done by either player please report it to the TD instantly and have them come to table and have that player tap cue to player fouled by safety....any questions ask TD / HTD / ADMIN

      8: Do NOT start tourney games until TD announces matches.

      9: 1st Name INVITES, 2nd name SITS 1st.

      10: On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.

      11: Yahoo! glitches are a fact of Yahoo pool, there is nothing that can be done about them. If a glitch occurs, continue your game as Yahoo calls it.

      12: League members are allowed to watch tourney matches. Please refrain from distracting activity while the players are shooting or you may be asked to leave the table.

      13: Coaching another player is never allowed at the table, doing so could get both players DQ'd from tourney and/or boxed.

      14: Do not boot any league member from the table. If you are getting disturbed, ask him/her to leave nicely, otherwise get a TD or Admin to help.

      15: NO RE-RACKS after 4 balls of either stipes or solids have been potted.
      16: GL and GG are not hard to say! Also, GG must NOT be said before 8 drops.

      17: There are no force forfeits, forfeiting on the 8 ball, or bringing up IM's and Cancels as a player is shooting are not allowed. This offense will get you boxed and/or kicked.

      18: Don't accuse others of cheating or you could get boxed or booted from league. We reserve the right to kick anyone from the league we suspect of cheating with or without proof.

      19: League members are allowed to play 10 games per person per day.( This is encouraged, as it gives the lg more activity)

      20: If you get boxed 3 times you could be kicked from the lg

      21: MOST IMPORTANT: Have fun!!!!

      If you have any suggestions,feel free to send them through the E-mail link below.
      Rules Suggestions
      Designed by: Big Tim