8-Ball Game Rules

Poster Bed

Played like a regular 8-ball game, but the 8-ball must go into the corner pockets only. If the 8-ball goes into the middle pockets, you lose.

Bank Robbery

No bank shots are allowed at any time, including cue banks. If a bank occurs, pass the cue to your opponent. However, if you make a regular shot and an accidental bank occurs, play continues.

Default 8 Rules

Default 8:

  • Played as a regular 8 game, but with a twist - The 8 ball must pocketed in the top middle pocket. Failure to pot the 8 ball in top middle pocket is a loss


  • Same as reg 8 but if you sink the cue ball you lose - Scratching on break doesn’t count IF this happens opponent must NOT take ball in hand

Game Play/Rules:

  • The goal is to pocket all your balls and then the 8-ball.
  • Pocketing the 8-ball before clearing your other balls results in a loss.
  • Ball in Hand is allowed if the opponent scratches on the 8-ball.


Player who pots the 8 first wins, even if they scratch on the same shot.

Double Elimination

All players must lose twice to be out of the tournament. An 8-ball on break is a re-rack.

2 vs 2 Bo3 Format

Each team has two players, and each match is played as Best of 3. Player 1 faces Player 1 from the opposing team, and Player 2 faces Player 2.

Last Pocket

The game is played like regular 8-ball, but the player must pocket the 8-ball in the same pocket where they potted their last ball.

Bank Eight/Q

The player must bank the 8-ball into the pocket. The cue ball can also bank off rails into the 8-ball to pot it.

Double Bank 8/Q

The player must double bank the 8-ball or cue ball into the pocket.

Triple Bank 8/Q

The player must triple bank the 8-ball or cue ball into the pocket.