**GAME VARIATIONS** ~*~*~69 EUCHRE~*~*~ Anyone may call trump. If the score reaches 6-9 (or 9-6), the game is over with team in the lead winning. If 6-9 (or 9-6) is not attained, the game continues until full completion. Loners are allowed It is legitimate strategy to get euchred to achieve 6-9 Reg Settings *~*~*ABSOLUTE SPADES *~*~* SPADES will be the ONLY suit called the entire game. If a SPADE is turned up at the start of the game, then the DEALER MUST pick it up. If a SPADE is not turned up then EVERYONE must pass until card is down. Then LEFT OF DEALER MUST call the trumps SPADES. *~*~* ACE IN YOUR FACE*~*~* PLAYED AS REG STD. LONERS ALLOWED. IF AN ACE IS TURNED UP THE DEALERS PARTNER MUST ORDER IT UP. *~*~* ACES RULE*~*~* YOU CANNOT TRUMP AN ACE THAT IS EITHER LED OR PLAYED BEFORE YOU UNLESS ALL YOU HAVE IS TRUMP. (exception to this is if an ace is thrown off it can be trumped) THE ACE OF TRUMP DOES NOT COUNT. IF SOMEONE HAS NOTHING BUT TRUMP AND OVERRIDES THE ACE...THEN IT'S OPEN GAME...ANYONE AT THAT POINT CAN OVERTRUMP! TRAM IS OFF!! ~*~*~AGGRAVATION ~*~*~ The up card CANNOT be bid on by ANY player!!! All players MUST pass on the first round of bids. From there any player can bid ~*~*~ALONE AT 5~*~*~ THIS IS REGULAR EUCHRE. ONCE YOUR TEAM REACHES 5 POINTS, YOU MUST GO ALONE WHENEVER YOU BID. ~*~*~*~BASEBALL~*~*~*~ WHOEVER HAS THE 9 OF DIAMONDS IN THIER HAND MUST SAY IN CHAT "I GOT IT" THIS PERSON WILL NAME TRUMP FOR THE HAND ANY SUIT THEY CHOOSE. IF THE 9 OF DIAMONDS IS THE UPCARD THE DEALER MUST PICK IT UP. IF NOONE HAS THE 9 OF DIAMONDS THE HAND IS PLAYED AS REG STD. THE 9 OF DIAMONDS MAY NOT BE DISCARDED. HAVING THE 9 OF DIAMONDS AND NOT DECLAIRING IT IS CONSIDERED AN ERROR. SAYING YOU HAVE IT AND NOT HAVING IT, OR DISCARDING IT AS DEALER IS AN ERROR TRAM IS OFF..STD IS ON *~*~*BIGDOG*~*~* THE PLAYER SEEDED HIGHEST BY RANDOM SEEDING WILL NAME THE GAME TO BE PLAYED FOR THE ROUND. ~*~*~*~ BLACK JACK ~*~*~*~ PLAYED AS REG STD UNLESS YOU HAVE EITHER THE JACK AND ACE OF SPADES OR THE JACK AND ACE OF CLUBS TO MAKE BLACK JACK. JACK AND ACE MUST BE THE SAME SUIT TO CALL BLACK JACK. SPADES BEATS CLUBS IN CASE OF A TIE IF YOU HAVE BLACK JACK , DECLARE IT IN THE CHAT IMMEDIATELY HAND IS TO BE PLAYED OUT NO LONERS ALLOWED ALLOW WATCHERS TRAM OFF *~*~* BLACKLIGHT*~*~* Only BLACK suits may be called as trump. The Dealer and the Dealer's P can ONLY bid CLUBS. (If the up card is a CLUB, the dealer MUST pick it up if his/her partner does not order it up). The Dealer's Opponents can ONLY bid SPADES If a RED card is the up card, all must pass til the up card is turned down. Defenders can defend alone. Standard Penalties Apply!!! ~*~*~*~ BLACK ONLY~*~*~*~ You may ONLY call SPADES or CLUBS throughout the game. If red is turned up, everyone MUST pass until it's turned down. Then anyone may call BLACK. Reg Table Settings *~*~* BLACK ONLY SUICIDE*~*~* Left of dealer must order up any black card that is dealt. If a red card is up then left of dealer will pick a black suit once it is turned down by dealer. *~*~*~ BLOOD SUCKER~*~*~ IN THIS TOURNEY THE DEALER IS THE VAMPIRE. HE CAN ONLY CALL RED THROUGHOUT THE GAME. THE OTHER 3 PLAYERS CAN ONLY CALL BLACK THROUGHOUT THE GAME. Reg Settings *~*~*BOTS ONLY*~*~* Bots will be used as P's. Do NOT allow players to replace bots ~*~*~*~BOWERS RULE~*~*~*~ The person holding the jack of the turned up card must call that suit trump. If a jack is turned up, everyone passes to the dealer, who must take it up. If no one holds the jack of the turned up suit, then bid passes and the first person with a jack in hand must make trump in the same suit as the jack. If during play someone who had opportunity to call trump before the one who did plays a jack, it is an error Tram is Off Penalties Apply ~*~*~CANADIAN EUCHRE~*~*~ THIS IS PLAYED LIKE REG STD EUCHRE BUT ADD THE FOLLOWING SETTINGS CHECK ALL 4 TOP BOXES AND CHANGE SCORE TO 11 ~*~*~ CHEATER CHEATER ~*~*~ In this game, you may HINT a to your partner what suit you would like them to call each round. Saying things like "I Love You" for hearts, "Do you Dig it P?" for spades. and "Nice day for Golf" for clubs...etc. You MUST NOT say an actual suit or what KIND of card you have at ANYTIME while you are sitting at the table. This will be considered an error. Please Note it is only permissible to hint what suit to CALL and no more hints are to be given during the hand ~*~*~CHECKERS`*~*~*~* Dealer and his partner can only call black, other team can only call Red. (this changes each hand) Tram on ~*~*~CRAZY LONERS~*~*~ Dealer only calls SPADES Left of Dealer only calls CLUBS Dealers Partner only calls HEARTS Right of Dealer only calls DIAMONDS If your suit is upcard you must order/pick it up ALONE You can't pass your suit STD ON TRAM ON ~*~*~* CRAZY SUITS~*~*~* Dealer only calls SPADES Left of Dealer only calls CLUBS Dealers Partner only calls HEARTS Right of Dealer only calls DIAMONDS Dealer must take up the upcard if it is a spade (is a good idea to write these down as each hand you will call a different suit) PENALTIES APPLY! 1st error 2 pts 2nd error 4 pts 3rd error...erring person is DQd from tourney ~*~*~*CROWN THE DEALER~*~*~* Played as reg euchre except the following rules apply If a king is the up card it cannot be turned down One of the 4 players must must order the card but.......if the dealer is stuck, the dealer must pick the card up and go alone!!! ~*~*~*CYBER SEX~*~*~* Females call only red. Men call only black. You use bots as partners ~*~*~*DEALERS ONLY~*~*~* ONLY the DEALER may call trump PENALTIES ~*~DEALERS REVERSE NIGHTMARE~*~ Only the DEALER calls trump. All players and dealer pass the up card. The dealer then calls the opposite of the up card and must GO ALONE. Dealer only call on STD First team to 10 loses. (i.e. hearts make diamond, clubs make spades, etc.) ~*~*~*DEALERS SUICIDE~*~*~* The dealer must pick up the turned up card and go alone ~*~*~*DIAMONDS RULE ~*~*~* If a DIAMOND is the up card, the DEALER'S PARTNER MUST order it up. The rest of the game is played as reg STD. ~*~*~DIRTY 9's & 10's~*~*~* Played as REG STD unless a 9 or 10 are turned up on the deal, the DEALER MUST pick it up!!! ~*~*~*DIRTY CLUBS~*~*~* If a CLUB is turned up the DEALER and only the DEALER MUST call it The rest of the game is played as regular euchre PENALTIES APPLY ~*~*~*DIRTY DIAMONDS~*~*~* If a DIAMOND up the DEALER and only the DEALER MUST call it The rest of the game is played as regular euchre ~*~*~*DIRTY HEARTS~*~*~* If a HEART is turned up the DEALER and only the DEALER MUST call it The rest of the game is played as regular euchre ~*~*~*DIRTY SPADES~*~*~* If a SPADE is turned up the DEALER and only the DEALER MUST call it The rest of the game is played as regular euchre ~*~*~*~DIRTY SUIT REVERSE~*~*~*~ The TD picks the suit for the tour or a diff. suit for each round. If up card is the named suit dealer must pick it up and keep that card, if not, the player left of dealer must call the named suit as trump. 1st team to 10 loses. Loners are NOT allowed. ~*~*~~*DOUBLE SCREW~*~*~*~ The dealer must pick up the UP CARD and go ALONE The person sitting left of the DEALER Must DEFEND ALONE Reg Std Settings Add Defend Alone PENALTIES 1st Error - 4 pts 2nd Error - 4 pts 3rd Error - The erring person is dq'd from the tournament ~*~*~DOUBLE SCREW REVERSE ~*~*~ DEALER MUST PICK UP THE UPCARD ALONE LEFT OF DEALER MUST DEFEND ALONE DEALER MUST NOT DISCARD THE PICKED UP CARD FIRST TEAM TO 10 LOSES DEF ALONE ON TRAM IS OFF ~*~*~DRUNKEN DEALER~*~*~* The dealer must pick up the up card Can not pass and must go alone Defenders may choose to defend alone Defend Alone on ~*~*~*DRUNKEN SAILOR ~*~*~*~ DEALERS P MUST ORDER UP AND GO ALONE DEFENDERS MAY CHOOSE TO DEFEND ALONE DEFEND ALONE ON PENALTIES 1st Error - 4 pts 2nd Error - 4 pts 3rd Error - The erring person is dq'd from the tournament ~*~*~*DUCK DUCK GOOSE~*~*~ The player who takes the last trick MUST make trump the next hand. The dealer will get things rolling by calling trump the first hand. IN CASE OF ERROR THE PERSON WHO SHOULD HAVE ORDERED WILL ORDER THE NEXT HAND. TRAM is OFF...STANDARD PENALTIES *~*~*~DUNCE~*~*~~ Any player may call Trumps during this tourney. However, if a Player gets Euchred..... ... they MUST STAND for the Remainder of the Game and a Bot will Replace the Player. (The player is not disqualified) . The game continues until either one Team Wins or only One Player is Remaining. Team with highest score wins Both Players of the Winning Team advance to the next round ~*~DUNCE WITH A TWIST~*~ Any player may call Trumps during this tourney. However, if a Player gets Euchred........ they MUST STAND for the Remainder of the Game and a Bot will Replace the Player. (The player is not disqualified) . The game continues until either one Team Wins or only One Player is Remaining seated Team with highest score wins Both Players of the Winning Team advance to the next round Reg Settings *Here is the twist if the person standing's bot gets euchred that player gets to sit again. *~*~*~*~ELIMINATOR~*~*~*~ This game is played like regular euchre, with one exception, if a player gets euchred at anytime the suit that was trump may no longer be called for the rest of the game. If every suit gets eliminated before the game is over the elimination starts over again and all suits are available. Note if only one suit left and it is the up card DEALER must pick up if no one else orders! ~*~*~*ELVIS~*~*~* Game is played as Reg STD except if at any time the KING of SPADES is the up card the DEALER'S TEAM automatically wins!!! Reg Table Settings. ~*~*~*~*ELVIS AND HIS QUEEN~*~*~*~ A combination of Elvis and Sudden Death. Played like Reg STD EXCEPT if at any time the KING of SPADES or the QUEEN of SPADES is the up card the game is over. If the King of Spades it the up card, DEALER'S TEAM automatically wins!!! If the Queen of Spades is turned up by the dealer, the Team with most points wins. If game is tied, the hand is played out to determine the winner Reg Table Settings. ~*~*~E~S~P~*~*~ Dealer must pick up the turned up card... Dealer only calls trump. Dealer must pick the opponent that has to Defend alone "by typing their name in chat" !!! In caps please !!!! Defend alone is on!!! Dealers can go alone!!! PENALTIES 1st Error - 4 pts 2nd Error - 4 pts 3rd Error - The erring person is dq'd from the tournament *~*~*EUCHRE ME*~*~* THE PLAYER THAT CALLS TRUMP ON THE FIRST HAND MUST CONTINUE TO CALL TRUMP UNTIL THEY ARE EUCHRED. IF THEY ARE EUCHRED, THE TABLE IS THEN OPEN FOR ANYONE TO CALL TRUMP. BUT .....THE NEXT PERSON TO CALL TRUMP MUST CONTINUE TO CALL TRUMP UNTIL THEY ARE EUCHRED. PLAY CONTINUES IN THIS MANNER UNTIL GAME IS FINISHED. REG SETTINGS LONERS ARE ALLOWED. ~*~*~~*EUCHRE WITH A TWIST~*~*~*~ Only the dealer may name trump, but not by their choice. The player to the dealer's LEFT chooses trump, and tells the dealer which suit to pick. (This may include the upcard.) As the round begins, player to dealer's left must announce which suit will be called, and then the dealer must make. No Loners!!! ~*~*~*~ FACE CARD FUN~*~*~*~ If a face card JACK, QUEEN, or KING is the upcard DEALER must pick it up. Otherwise REG STD REG SETTINGS ~*~FAIR CHANCE~*~ A player MAY NOT make trump twice in a row The same suit MAY NOT be trump twice in a row Loners Allowed Reg Settings STD OFF Standard penalties apply ~*~*~*~FIREMAN~*~*~*~ Dealer may only call BLACK trump. All other players may only call RED trump. Reg Table Settings. ~*~*~*~FIREWOMAN~*~*~*~ Dealer may only call RED trump. All other players may only call BLACK trump. Reg Table Settings. ~*~*~FIRST TO 5~*~*~ PLAYED AS REG STD BUT THE TEAM WHO REACHES 5 POINTS FIRST IS THE WINNER ~*~*~FOLLOW THAT JACK ~*~*~ GAME STARTS OUT AS SPADES ONLY UNTIL A JACK COMES UP ON THE DEAL, THEN DEALER ONLY MUST PICK IT UP !!!! AND TRUMP BECOMES THAT SUIT AND STAYS THAT SUIT AND MUST BE CALLED EACH HAND UNTIL NEXT JACK TURNS UP. AND TRUMP BECOMES THAT SUIT AND SO ON . . . ~*~FOUR SUITS~*~ ~*~By Tracie~*~ BIDDING IS OPEN TO EVERYONE BUT ALL 4 SUITS WILL BE BID IN THIS ORDER HAND #1 MUST BE SPADES HAND #2 MUST BE HEARTS HAND #3 MUST BE CLUBS HAND #4 MUST BE DIAMONDS AFTER 4 HANDS BIDDING STARTS BACK AT THE BEGINNING REG TABLE SETTINGS Penalties Apply ~*~*~*~FULL HOUSE~*~*~*~ IF AT ANYTIME A PLAYER HAS A FULL HOUSE(3 OF A KIND WITH A PAIR) THAT PERSON REGARDLESS OF THE SCORE WILL BE DECLARED THE WINNER * AFTER THE HAND IS PLAYED OUT* (YOU MAY ACHIEVE A FULL HOUSE BY PICKING UP OR DISCARDING ANY CARD) ONCE YOU HAVE A FULL HOUSE PLEASE ANNOUNCE IMMEDIATELY IN CHAT THE CARDS THAT MAKE UP YOUR FULL HOUSE IN THE EVENT OF A TIE THE PERSON WITH THE HIGHER 3 OF A KIND WINS HAND MUST BE PLAYED OUT (unless verified by TD) Allow watchers to see hand TRAM OFF PLEASE NOTE NO WATCHERS MAY JOIN TABLE IN THIS GAME EXCEPT TD *~*~*~HANGOVER~*~*~*~ THIS IS REGULAR EUCHRE, ANYONE CAN CALL OR ORDER. WHOEVER TAKES THE LAST TRICK MUST CALL OUT THE SUIT OF THE CARD THAT TOOK IT. THIS DETERMINES WHAT IS TRUMP FOR THE NEXT HAND (ANYONE CAN CALL IT). TRAM IS OFF ~*~*~HINT HINT~*~*~ DEALER ONLY CALLS TRUMP BUT THE DEALERS PARTNER MAY GIVE 1 HINT ABOUT THE TURNED UP CARD THE HINT IS: THE WORDS YES or NO NO MORE....NO LESS ANY MORE IS AN ERROR DEALER DOES NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE HINT DEALER CAN PICK UP OR PASS AND CALL ON NEXT ROUND ~*~*INSANITY*~*~ HAND #1~"RED ONLY"(you may only call red trump) HAND #2~"BLACK ONLY"(you may only call black trump) HAND #3~"DEALER'S ONLY"(only dealer can call trump) HAND #4~"LONER'S ONLY"(you may only call loner's) HAND #5~"REG STD" THEN AFTER 5TH HAND START BACK AT THE BEGINNING... IN CASE OF ERROR THE NEXT HAND WILL CONTINUE WITH THE NEXT ON THE LIST (i.e. if error occurred on red only the next hand will be black only) Reg Table Settings ~*~*~*~JACKS THE BOSS~*~*~*~ Regular Euchre, except if a Jack is turned up, the Dealer MUST order it and go ALONE!!! STD ON TRAM ON ~*~*~*~KINGS RULE~*~*~*~ If a KING is the up card, the DEALER must pick it up. If the KING OF SPADES is the up card, the game is over. Team with most points wins. If game is tied, the hand is played out. Reg Table Settings ~*~*~*KNOCKOUT~*~*~*~ This is just like regular std euchre Except it has a twist... The first team to successfully make a loner And take all 5 tricks (4 points) Automatically wins the game, Regardless of the score! Reg table settings ~*~LEFTOVERS~*~ ONLY THE DEALER WILL BE CALLING TRUMP LEFT OF DEALER WILL SAY IN CHAT THE SUIT THEY DO NOT WANT FOR TRUMP THEN PASS THEN DEALERS PARTNER WILL SAY IN CHAT THE SUIT (FROM THE 3 LEFT) THAT THEY DO NOT WANT FOR TRUMP AND PASS RIGHT OF DEALER WILL SAY IN CHAT THE SUIT (FROM THE 2 LEFT) THAT THEY DO NOT WANT FOR TRUMP AND PASS DEALER THEN WILL MAKE TRUMP THE ONLY SUIT THAT IS LEFT OVER IF IT IS THE UPCARD THEY PICK IT UP, IF NOT THE UPCARD THEY PASS AND CALL THE SUIT ON STD IF YOU REPEAT A SUIT IT IS AN ERROR IF YOU SAY WHAT SUIT YOU DONT WANT BEFORE YOUR TURN IT IS AN ERROR IF DEALER DOES NOT MAKE THE REMAINING SUIT TRUMP IT IS AN ERROR STANDARD PENALTIES APPLY ~*~*~*~LONELY LONERS~*~*~*~ ANYONE may call but They MUST go ALONE Person calling must name an opposition player to DEFEND ALONE PENALTIES 1st Error - 4 pts 2nd Error - 4 pts 3rd Error - The erring person is dq'd from the tournament ~*~*~*~LONELY LONERS REVERSE~*~*~*~ ANYONE may call but (You MUST have 1 natural trump to call) and YOU MUST go ALONE Person calling must name an opposition player to DEFEND ALONE (You cannot discard the card that was ordered up) 1st to 10 loses Tram Is OFF Def Alone ON PENALTIES 1st Error - 4 pts 2nd Error - 4 pts 3rd Error - The erring person is dq'd from the tournament ~*~*~*~LONERS ONLY~*~*~*~ Anyone may make trump but when they do so they MUST go ALONE. Reg Table Settings. ~*~LOPSIDED SCREW~*~ LOD orders up alone!! and Dealers P must defend alone. Def Alone is on 1st error 4 pts 2nd error 4 pts 3rd error the erring person is dqd ~*~*~*~LOWMAN ON TOTEM POLE~*~*~*~ THE PLAYER SEEDED LOWEST BY RANDOM SEEDING WILL NAME THE GAME TO BE PLAYED FOR THE ROUND. ~*~*~MADNESS~*~*~ EACH ROUND THERE WILL BE A SUIT THAT MAY NOT BE CALLED AS TRUMP! HOST WILL NAME THE SUIT BEFORE EACH ROUND STARTS ~*~*~MAN ON TOP~*~*~ AT START OF GAME EITHER TEAM MAY CHOOSE A COLOR TO BEGIN. AFTER FIRST ROUND THE TEAM ON AHEAD ON POINTS MUST CALL BLACK. TEAM BEHIND CALL'S RED. WHEN SCORE IS TIED ANYONE MAY CALL EITHER COLOR . TBL SETTING ARE REG ~*~*~MURDER~*~*~ To begin the host will name a suit in the lobby for the dealer to call or make For the rest of the game the left of dealer must call what suit they want for next hand *before* the current hand is played out. Only dealer can make or call Tram off Loners allowed ~*~*~*~NEXT~*~*~*~ This game is played like regular euchre. BUT ... If the upcard is passed, players cannot call next. Next is considered suit of same color (hearts/diamonds, spades/clubs) if a club/spade is turned down only red can be called. If a heart/diamond is turned down only black can be called. Loners allowed ~*~*~*~NIGHTMARE~*~*~*~ Bots will be used as P's. ONLY BOTS may call trump. NO STD. Do NOT allow players to replace bots ~*~*~*NO FIRST BLOOD ~*~*~* Played as regular euchre with one exception the first lead of EVERY hand can not be trump (Unless trump tight) Trump may be used in first hand to take a trick but it can not be led. TRAM IS OFF ~*~*~*~ODDS AND EVENS~*~*~*~ YOU START THE GAME CALLING ONLY BLACK. ONCE YOUR TEAM SCORES, IF YOUR TEAM SCORE IS ODD YOU CAN ONLY CALL RED. IF YOUR TEAM SCORE IS EVEN YOU CAN ONLY CALL BLACK. LONERS ARE ALLOWED. STANDARD PENALTIES APPLY ~*~ONCE UPON A SUIT ~*~ All players will start the round with a choice to bid any suit. Each time you bid a suit, you may not call that suit again that game. You will be down to one of the remaining 3 suits as choices. Use your bids wisely. If all 4 players have used their bids up and the game isn't over yet, then the highest score wins. PENALTIES 1st Error - 2 pts 2nd Error - 4 pts 3rd Error - The erring person is dq'd from the tournament. ~*~ON YOUR OWN~*~ 1st Player to make trump on each team can only make trump until their team reaches 5 points once your team reaches 5 points only your partner can bid trump wrong person calling trump is an error Reg settings STD OFF ~*~*~OPPOSITES ATTRACT~*~*~ Only the DEALER can call the trump. If BLACK is the upturned card the dealer may only call RED. If RED is the upturned card the dealer may only call BLACK. Reg Table Settings ~*~PICK YOUR POISON~*~ The dealer must be ordered up, or pick up him/herself. Each player will pick a different suit to order. Table maker and P get 1st choice, 3rd and 4th are by listed table settings. Your choice must be posted in lobby You must order up your suit each time it is dealt ~*~PLAY WITH YOUR PARTNER~*~ ~*~By Tracie~*~ GAME IS PLAYED AS REG STD EXCEPT YOU MAY NOT GO ALONE AT ANYTIME REG TABLE SETTINGS Penalties Apply ~*~*~*~QUEENS RULE~*~*~*~ If a QUEEN is the up card, the DEALER must pick it up. If the QUEEN OF HEARTS is the up card, the game is over. Team with most points wins. If game is tied, the hand is played out. Reg Table Settings *~*RACE AROUND DA POND*~* In this game you will only play 4 hands of regular STD euchre. Everyone gets ONE deal. The dealer MUST call trump each hand, either 1st or second time around Highest score after 4 hands is the winner. If there is a tie, one more hand will be played to determine the winner!! ANYONE MAY CALL ON THE TIE BREAKER HAND Warning: An error (wrong person calling trump) is instant GAME OVER With win going to non erring team Please ANNOUNCE First dealer in Lobby ~*~*~*~REDLIGHT~*~~*~* Only RED suits my be called as trump. The Dealer and the Dealer's P can ONLY bid HEARTS. (If the up card is a heart, the dealer MUST pick it up if his/her partner does not order it up) The Dealer's Opponents can ONLY bid DIAMONDS. If a BLACK card is the up card, all must pass til the up card is turned down. Defenders can defend alone. Standard Penalties Apply!!! ~*~*~*RED ONLY~*~*~* Only RED trumps may be called throughout the game Players may call either DIAMONDS OR HEARTS ONLY ~*~*~*~RED THEN BLACK~*~*~*~ ALL players start out bidding RED ONLY. When your team reaches 5 POINTS you will then switch to calling BLACK ONLY until game is over. Reg Table Settings. *~*~*RED21*~*~* PLAYED AS REG STD UNLESS YOU HAVE EITHER THE JACK AND ACE OF HEARTS OR THE JACK AND ACE OF DIAMONDS TO MAKE A RED 21. JACK AND ACE MUST BE THE SAME SUIT TO CALL RED 21. HEARTS BEATS DIAMONDS IN CASE OF A TIE IF YOU HAVE RED 21 , DECLARE IT IN THE CHAT IMMEDIATELY TD WILL VERIFY THE RED 21.. NO LONERS ALLOWED ALLOW WATCHERS TO SEE HAND. TRAM OFF ~*~*REVENGE*~*~ If u stick the dealer the next hand the dealers p must call trump alone. Other than that regular std :~*~*~*~REVERSE~*~*~*~ You must have 1 natural trump to call or to order up. If the card is ordered up, the dealer may throw away trump but not the one that was ordered up. If dealer takes up the card they do not have to have a trump to do so, but CANNOT discard the card that was picked up. FIRST TO 10 LOSES NO LONERS ARE ALLOWED TRAM is OFF ~*~*~*~REVERSE BOT POWER ~*~*~*~ Here are the rules for Reverse Bot Power: The object of this game is to lose. The first persons team that reaches 10 points loses. Your partner the Bot plays to win as you will be playing to lose and will try hard to set your Bot. Now the Bots have all the power!! How so? The Bots only have the power to call trump. *You may discard any card when ordered by your Bot including the ordered card ~*~*~REVERSE WITH LONERS~*~*~ Played the same as reverse except Loners are allowed and encouraged. You must have 1 natural trump to call or to order up. If the card is ordered up, the dealer may throw away trump but not the one that was ordered up. If dealer takes up the card they do not have to have a trump to do so, but CANNOT discard the card that was picked up. LONERS ARE ALLOWED TRAM is OFF *~*~*~*~REVERSE SEX*~*~*~*~ Females can only call red. Males can only call black. Object of reverse is to LOSE! There should be one player calling red and one black on each team (so change sex if needed !!) You must have one natural trump in your hand to order up (unless it is std and you are stuck) You cannot discard the card ordered up Loners allowed Tram OFF Standard Penalties Apply!!! ~*~*~*~REVERSE SUICIDE~*~*~*~ The object of the game is to LOSE. First team to 10 LOSES. Left of Dealer MUST order the up card. The dealer CANNOT discard the card ordered up. NO LONERS ARE ALLOWED. TRAM is OFF. ~*~*~*~ REVERSE WITH A TWIST*~*~*~*~ Game Starts off as normal reverse You must have 1 natural trump to call or to order up. If the card is ordered up, the dealer may throw away trump but not the one that was ordered up. If dealer takes up the card they do not have to have a trump to do so, but CANNOT discard the card that was picked up. Now the twist......... If a 9 is the upcard the game reverts to Reg std) Each time a 9 is upcard the game changes between reg and reverse. First team to 10 wins or loses depending on what mode the game is in at the end. TRAM is OFF...STD ON :~*~*~*~REVERSE WITH BOTS ~*~*~*~ The object of the game is to LOSE. First team to 10 LOSES. You DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A TRUMP in your hand to call it. The dealer CAN discard the card ordered up or picked up card if he chooses. NO LONERS ARE ALLOWED. Now that’s for the human players............. Bots can do call what they like of course TRAM is OFF ~*~*~*~ROYAL PAIN~*~*~*~ IF UPCARD IS A KING THEN LEFT OF DEALER MUST ORDER UP. IF UPCARD IS A QUEEN THEN DEALER MUST TAKE IT UP. OTHERWISE PLAY AS REG STD. ~*~ROYAL SCREW THE DEALER~*~ by Bckhunter Everyone passes the upcard Only the DEALER calls trump the 2nd time around DEALER HAS TO GO ALONE LEFT OF DEALER DEF'S ALONE 1st to 10 WINS Tram is ON Def alone is ON 1st Error - 4 pts 2nd Error - 4 pts 3rd Error - The erring person is dq'd from the tournament ~~ROYAL SCREW THE DEALER REVERSE~~ by Bckhunter THE UPCARD MUST BE TURNED DOWN THE DEALER CALLS TRUMP THE 2ND TIME AROUND AND MUST GO ALONE YOU MUST HAVE 1 NATURAL TRUMP TO CALL LEFT OF DEALER DEF'S ALONE DEF ON TRAM OFF 1ST TEAM TO 10 LOSES 1ST ERROR= 4 POINTS 2ND ERROR= 4 POINTS 3RD ERROR BY THE SAME PERSON IS DQ'D *~*~*TWISTED ROYAL SCREW THE DEALER*~*~* ~*~By Bckhunter and The Blonde Mafia~*~ Everyone passes the upcard Only the DEALER calls trump the 2nd time around Dealer must call opposite of the UpCard and go ALONE Left of dealer defends alone DEF on Tram on 1st Error - 4 pts 2nd Error - 4 pts 3rd Error - The erring person is dqd from the tournament ~*~RUN TO 10~*~ ~*~By Tracie~*~ GAME IS PLAYED AS REG EXCEPT BIDDING STARTS WITH LEFT OF DEALER AND CONTINUES AROUND THE TABLE WITH EACH BID BEING PASSED TO NEXT PLAYER BIDDER MAY PASS UPCARD BUT MUST CALL THE 2ND TIME AROUND FIRST TEAM TO MAKE IT TO 10 WINS STD OFF TRAM ON Penalties Apply ~*~SCREW ME UP N DOWN~*~ Game starts off as REVERSE (dealer must keep the picked up card! ) Dealer must pick up alone and left of dealer must defend alone If a 9 is the upcard the game reverts to Regular (forward screwing) Each time a 9 is upcard the game changes between reg and reverse. First team to 10 wins or loses depending on what mode the game is in at the end. Tram is off Def alone is on 1st error 4 points 2nd error 4 points 3rd error erring person is dqd ~*~SCREW WITH YOUR MIND~*~ Starts as regular STD When your team score reaches 2 points You must call Hearts Only At 4 points call switches to Clubs only At 6 its Diamonds only At 8 to finish Spades only Note ***if the dealer passes the correct suit its an error*** Penalties apply ~*~*~*~SCREW YOUR PARTNER~*~*~*~ ONLY the DEALER'S PARTNER can and MUST call the trump. You can pass it first time but must call on the 2nd trip around. Reg Table Settings. *~*~*SECOND HAND LONERS*~*~* EVERY HAND BEGINS AS REG STD. IF EVERYONE INCLUDING THE DEALER PASSES THE UPCARD, IT BECOMES LONERS ONLY FOR THAT HAND ~*~*~*~SEX~*~*~*~ Males can only call BLACK trump. Females can only call RED trump. YOU must state sex prior to start of game. ONE of each per team !! Changing of gender is allowed so this can happen. This must take place in lobby prior to being seated at table. Reg Table Settings. ~*~*~*~SINK THE SHIP~*~*~*~ Each team consists of a captain and a saboteur and of those two, one plays regular and the other plays reverse. (your p will be playing against you) Before the game starts, you will be advised who will be playing reverse and who will be playing regular. The regular player will be the captain The reverse player will be the saboteur Stick the dealer is off The first team captain to ten points wins and the win also goes to the saboteur of the opposite team *~*~*~SIT ON IT*~*~* YOU MAY NOT PLAY TRUMP AT ANY TIME UNLESS YOU ARE TRUMP TIGHT (only trump left in your hand) LONERS ARE ALLOWED TRAM OFF STD ON ~*~*~*STRIP EUCHRE~*~*~* For each point players on the losing team must remove an item of clothing Here is the list of items each player will be wearing. Shoes (forfeited one at a time); socks/stockings (forfeited one at a time) pants; shirt; bra (women only); undershirt (men only); panties or briefs And Two toys of your choice Anytime a team member becomes NAKED they must yell "naked at table" in lobby ~*~*~*SUDDEN DEATH~*~*~* Played as regular STD However if at any time the Queen of Spades is turned up by the dealer, game over! Team with most points wins. If game is tied, play out last hand. ~*~*~*~SUICIDE~*~*~*~ The player sitting left of the dealer MUST order up the turned up card Reg Table Settings ~*~*~*SUICIDE WITH A TWIST ~*~*~* The only rule is that the player to the LEFT of the dealer MUST order up the card. Now the twist, If a JACK is turned up then everyone MUST pass When the turn gets back to the person to the LEFT of the dealer that person MUST call trump ~*~*~ SWISS EUCHRE ~*~*~ This is a SWISS tour All players play ALL rounds If you want to be removed from the tour Please go to the main registration page for the tour Enter your name and password (just like for jumping) And hit withdraw ~*~*~*SWITCH CALL ~*~*~* 1st hand can be either red or black trump. 2nd hand must be the opposite of what was called first hand This will repeat as so each hand is opposite of the prior hand. STANDARD PENALTIES APPLY ~*~TAKE YOUR CHANCE~*~ The 1st upcard determines what game will be played for the round If the upcard is a 9, 10, or Queen the game is reverse If the upcard is a K, A or J game is reg std (Please NOTE the game does NOT change after first hand) ~~Rules For Reverse~~ You must have 1 natural trump to call or to order up. If the card is ordered up, the dealer may throw away trump but not the one that was ordered up. If dealer takes up the card they do not have to have a trump to do so,
but CANNOT discard the card that was picked up. NO LONERS ARE ALLOWED TRAM OFF! Error points only if game is reverse 1st error 2pnts 2nd error 4pnts 3rd error the erring person is dq’s ~*~THAT'S JACKED~*~ ~*~By Tracie~*~ Game is played as Reg Std UNLESS a Jack is the upcard Then everyone must PASS Bidding continues Reg settings Penalties apply! ~*~*~*TICKING OFF YOUR PARTNER~*~*~* The dealer's partner will tell the dealer what suit to call ALONE! ~*~*~*TRUE REVERSE~*~*~* The object of the game is to LOSE. First team to 10 LOSES. You DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A TRUMP in your hand to call it. The dealer CAN discard the card ordered up or picked up card if he chooses. NO LONERS ARE ALLOWED. ~*~*~*TRUMP CHUMP ~*~*~* If you have 3 cards of any suit in your hand you must call trump. Starting with left of dealer if you have 3 cards of the same suit as up card you must order it up. NO exceptions!!, The left bower counts as 1 trump TRAM IS OFF ~*~*~* UP IS UP~*~*~* ONLY the up card can be bid as trump by any player. There will be no passing around to the second round of bids. If no one takes the up card then the dealer MUST take the card. Reg Settings ~*~*~*WILD WILD WEST~*~*~* EACH TEAM will have one member playing REG STD and one member playing LONERS ONLY. The first member of a team to bid trump plays the game as REG STD (can go alone by choice) and that member's partner must play the game as LONERS ONLY (no choice always goes alone). Reg Settings ~*~*~WOMAN ON TOP~*~*~ AT START OF GAME EITHER TEAM MAY CHOOSE A COLOR TO BEGIN. AFTER FIRST ROUND THE TEAM AHEAD ON POINTS MUST CALL RED. TEAM BEHIND CALLS BLACK. WHEN SCORE IS TIED ANYONE MAY CALL EITHER COLOR. TABLE SETTINGS ARE REG