*~Stripes n Solids~*
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
You may start with either, but once one type is sunk, the shots following must alternate suits. (If a stripe is sunk first, the next ball must be a solid, then stripe again). Break does NOT count as a shot.
If you miss or scratch, you stand and your opponent sits and continues WITH the type left off. DO NOT RE-RACK or its an automatic DQ.
If you SLOP the wrong type in, that ball must be pulled out of the rack and spotted where the cue ball sits at the beginning of the game, ending your turn.
If you pot the 8 ball EARLY, you lose. The person who sinks the 8 ball - without scratching - once the table is cleared, will be declared the winner.
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