*~Dirty Pool~*
Played on PROTECTED & Rated Tables. (unless 2 vs. 2 then must be UNRATED)
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.>
Game is played like regular 8 ball with one exception: When shooting the 8 ball, the opponent gets to call how the 8 must be sunk.
Either by banking it, calling a pocket or full power.
Double or triple banking can not be specified.
HERE'S THE CATCH, you can't call the same finishing shot twice in a row.
You may only choose those 3 ways to sink the 8 ball but you are not allowed to choose the same way twice in a row.
If 8 is pocketed other then how specified by opponent, then you will not be declared the winner.