*~10 Shots~*
*~* Played on PROTECTED TRAINING Tables.
On break, move cue ball at least 1 ball width on or behind the break line in a forward motion. 8 ball in on break is a re-rack.
Break counts as 1 shot. You may shoot any ball on the table including the 8 ball. Your turn ends after you have shot 10 times. At the end of your turn count up the balls you have pocketed, each ball counts as 1 point.
As you shoot, your opponent is to type the shot count after each shot so there is no confusion or contention over the shots.
If you scratch at any time keep shooting. No BIH, cue must be placed on center of yellow line.
The winner is the person with the most balls potted. In case of a draw at the end of 10 shots, play another 5 shots each until a winner has been decided. There is no ball in hand, if you move the ball your turn is over.