Universal Interleague Competition

Leagues wishing to join UIC for Season 2 are to complete the form in FULL


League Information:

Applicant Information:

Remember that the member that you appoint as Captain must have sufficient time to
devote to the demanding position and must also understand and agree to the UIC Rules:

It is desirous that you appoint a referee to be representative of your league (UIC will train if necessary):

If this league participates in any other Interleagues please let us know which ones:

By submitting this application you agree that you have read and you understand
the U I C Rules and further agree that should your league be accepted then you will abide by them. (The send button will not become active until you click the agree box!!!)

Click Here To Agree!

This application will be attended to and a reply will be forwarded asap to the email address that you enter below:

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