• 1.You are REQUIRED to do 7 tourneys a week every week.
  • 2.You are REQUIRED to have aol and yahoo instead messagers (trillian same thing). Iming of members for tours is NOT ALLOWED unless you have there explisit permission. Please archive all your messages this is to protect you and for accurecy.
  • 3.You are REQUIRED to be in the lobby and available to players at least 15-30 minutes before your tour is about to start.
  • 4.You MUST have your Check-In open at least 24 hours before the tour begins.
  • 5.When you are a Host, you MUST be PROFESSIONAL at all times as a volunteer representative of THE TEDDYBEARS (POGO) league. All rulings must be fair and impartial.
  • 6.NEVER delete a TOUTNAMENT unless admin states too . If you are not available to host it you may either find a htd or admin to run it for you or get to someone to replace you set scheduled tour. Once you have it where you have someone to replace it you must then move your tour to a further date. This is your responsiblity not admins or htd's. When moving a tournament please remember to remove any jumpers that have registered for that tournament.
  • 7.NEVER argue with a member or another host in the lobby. Speak with them in private chat or on IM.
  • 8.If you have a serious problem player in the league room or non-league related, issue ignore the comments, do not respond, and instruct league members to mute the user. Aslo you can forfiet them from you tournament at that time but no further ones until decided by admin.
  • 9.If you have a problem player you should take screenshots of the lobby or private chat so you have evidence to show the admin there behavior or complaint you have.
  • 10.Never threaten a member with having them boxed or banned from league. It is up to Admin to decide that call. You as a Host are only in control of the tournement you are hosting at hand.

  • 1. Each player is allowed 1 round in which to return if booted.
  • 2. A member may register for two tournamets if they are sure its the last hand or round for prior tour they are in. You may not hold a tournament up for one person.
  • 3. All tournaments must start within 15 minutes to prior tourament time and no later. All members should be in lobby and ready to play if not before closing your tournament withdraw that player from tournament . They are not only player in tournament and must respect all feelings. (Even if it means you don't have enough jumpers).
  • 4.PLEASE DONT CLOSE TOURNAMENT until you have ran your options and answered questions in the lobby.
  • 6.POSTING SCORES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MEMBER PLAYING not anyone else and if not posted in a timly fashion then the member will recieve a (MIA FOR THE RND) period....
  • *Be sure that when you are hosting you have all materials on hand and not on "be right back" to retrieve it. It is important to be ready and have the knowledge of the game played. You never know when a question or a need may arise.

    **Under no circumstances should another TD, HTD or Admin to correct another TD in the lobby regarding rules or a ruling they have made. If you see a host make an error IM that host and alert them to the problem. Not only are the other TD's volunteering their time and do not need to be told that in your opinion they are doing something wrong, it is of utmost important to maintain professional curtisy in the lobby at all time and at all costs.

    ***AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, AS A HOST FOR THE TEDDYBEARS (POGO) LEAGUE, MEMBERS EXPECT THAT YOU KNOW THE GAME RULES AND ARE ABLE TO ADMINISTER THEM FAIRLY AND WITHOUT PREDUDICE. It is highly unproffesional to be in the lobby as a player in another hosts tournament asking what the rules are or what the rules mean. YOU have been provided with the information on this site and will accept no excuse for you not being aware of them. We hold you to a higher standard by virtue of your position. Whether you are playing or hosting, be professional.