Table spam: GO FISH SINGLES .. 2/2/1 Rated Protected Kibitz ON .. If you discard a blk 3 you ask opponent for a card by saying, Do you any Ks? Your opponent MUST draw first and if they have a K, must give it to you, allowing you to take pile. If no Ks AFTER they draw, then they reply, go fish and throw a card they choose. You cannot ask for wilds or blk 3. If you draw and have 3 of the card that was asked for you must throw it; you cannot meld them(this includes you can not meld them to go out). You can go out anytime (unless you have the card your opp has asked for). For example: You have 3 Kings and a 8 and your opp ask for a 8 you cannot meld your 3 kings to leave your 8 in your hand. That would be a dq. Pile stays frozen til a 3 is thrown!