Welcome to the ANGELOFSPADES


Bid the face value of your lowest CLUB after pass! If your lowest club is a 2-9 bid that number, If your lowest club is a 10-Ace then bid '0', If you have no clubs then you must bid nil.


Check Boxes 3,4
Check Nil
250 or 4 hands whichever comes first
Do not allow players to replace bots
Allow all ratings
Allow watchers.....SHOW cards
UnCheck Tram
Lock table as Private: AOS

Player to left of dealer
0,0 Min Bids
Zero not nil
Check Moon
Bags on all

General Rules
First Boot is 10 min wait...After that it is an automatic DQ

First Misclick -200
Second misclick is a automatic DQ

First name called sets the table, Second name joins the table AFTER the host has approved the table

TD's, in the box below right click and select all, right click again and copy. Paste in big white box under rules when setting up tourny's

For type-it program copy and paste the box below as you did above but place it under a new button on type-it