From beyond I sense
Someone smiling down on us
And as this someone is smiling
He's wondering why all the fuss
I wasn't all that special
I was just an ordinary man
Who loved to play Euchre
Just give me one good hand
And my partner Heidi
For teams she was the best
To me she always did so good
She outshined all the rest
I'll be checking in on all of you
From time to time to see
How you Warriors are doing
And if you'll remember me!
But of course we will dear Rocko
How could we ever forget
The special way you had
The obligations that you met
That special little grumble
If a gimmick was to be played
You could have left if you wanted
But oh not stayed
Although you will be sadly missed
Memories will linger on
Off all good things that happened
Now that you are gone
Gone but not forgotten
God Bless
The Gupster
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