(((((((Guppy))))))))you were an inspiration to many, rest peacefully in
God's arms. Sqdance48

Guppy from all Admin/Htds/Tds and players from Mean Joes

((((((((((((((Guppy))))))))))))) love you and will miss u .........mrscash
and firstgramps

(((((((((Guppy)))))))) ....will never forget ya hon

God Bless you Guppy, will always love you and prayers are with your family

RIP Guppy ...you will never be forgotten hun....Chrisishere8

Guppy will be missed as long as Warriors exists and longer. I don't get to
play hardly ever anymore, but was very sad to hear of her passing. My
thoughts are with the family. Meanie4400

Rest In Peace, Never Forgotten

Sweet Dreams and God Bless My Friend, Cookie

(((((((((((((guppy)))))))))))) it was wonderful having you in my life and to
have known you peace be with you and your family tall

(((((((((((((((guppy)))))))))))))) the nice one may god cradle you in his
hand you will be in our lives forever


Guppy...I never had the oppritunity to meet you it would have been a great
honor from all the wonderful things I've heard about you, my heart goes out
to her family and her warriors family God blees and peace be with you all
hardworker aka Matt

Guppy..words cannot express the emptiness in all our hearts without you
here. You will be missed so much. You brought a smile with your words.
Thoughts and prayers to your family. lilmommy

Guppy aint gone she is looking over our shoulders God Bless Our Guppy

*GUPPY* You will always remain forever in our hearts...rest in peace..Rick

Guppy, We all love you and will miss you every day. We a particularly
grateful for that in some small way you helped to bring the two of us
together. Love Always Jaak,Brat and kids

Guppy will always be in our memories. gone but wil never be forgotten.

~*~Guppy~*~We all miss you very much!! and you will never be forgotten .You
are now looking down on all of us from the heavens above.We are all thankful
that you have touched our lives. We are especially grateful for that in some
small way you helped to b

When Angels visit us, we do not feel the rustle of their wings, but we know
they are there ,from the love and joy they bring to our hearts. God needed
his Guppy angel back at his side. Rest in Peace love Kara

To all the Warriors who have passed...I know you have touched some persons
life in the league and you will always be remember...God Bless your

Guppy you will be in our hearts forever god bless you an your family

Guppy, You made my life joyous when you were in room. Going to miss you sooo
much. You were an inspiration to us all. God needed you more then we did. I
am a better person for having you in my life. Love you my friend Lappy

guppy we will miss u i have lost a aunt 3weeks ago so god will look down on
both of u and hope u2 will meet in heaven. and will rest in peace

guppy usa we will sadly miss you rest in peace

Guppy,God needed a special someone for a special mission,you were the chosen
one.Feel HIS arms hold you sweetie,for you are home now.Warriors has a very
special Angel watching over them.Rest in Peace my friend

Rest In Peace, Jenn

GUPPY , hun its a very sad day for Warriors and a wonderful day for heaven.
I didn't get to know you as well as many of the others but you were always
there to add support and friendship. God Bless you and your family.... Just

Guppybabysweetiepieomine. They broke the mold on you babe, So few can touch
the hearts of others as you did on an everyday basis. I feel Im a better
person for knowing you and letting me into your world for the brief time
that was allowed. Words cannot ex

to my dear friend the gupp i will allways rember u r.i.p


Guppy, may your body rest and your soul live on in me and all who knew you.
Thank you for your words of wisdom and motherly advice. You are missed and
loved.!!! SUTRA

*Guppy* I know you would not want us to be sad and thankyou for leaving me
with inspiration, fondess memorys, love and guideness I will miss you
always... Love Lisa aka Shhh

I am lighting this candle in honor of our guppy... You will be forever in
our hearts..... Tweete

guppy may you rest in peace love bella

Guppy - Your presence graced our world, both online and offline. You will be
greatly missed; R.I.P. --Keegs

Guppy A strong loving lady who touched us all Will be missed but never
forgottem Our thoughts and prayers go out to her hubby and family Love Sandy

Guppy may you rest in peace and will forever be remembered here for the
wonderful and loving person you were . KLowrie


Guppy hon you have touched meny lives without even knowing it this our
tribute to you and your family that you will never be forgotten god bless
hon dont forget to get then in the hot tub hehehe Andjp2

My sadness today knows no bounds as i sit here trying to find the words.god
bless you guppy.....Robbie

~Guppy~ We will always remember and love you...thank you for all you did and
all the lives you touched ~Thorina

Guppy your are a very special lady and will be missed so much. Peace for you
always. Salem


Guppy, USA. May GOD bless the clouds you are now walking on love you always

Guppy... You may be gone now but you will never be forgotten....Rest in

Guppy, Even though I never met you in person, I feel like I have lost a dear
friend. Rest in peace.From Jo/George


Guppy we all know ur in the heavans above looking down at us with a big
smile .... We miss you!! Your journy has now began ... God Bless


guppy~~ my heart goes out to everyone in the family will miss you, you are
such a great lady and will be remembered as such


Guppy-- The seas will greatly miss the most beautiful mermaid out there, but
warriors will miss the most wonderful person a great family like war could
have... rest in peace my friend --blamethemood


Guppy - You will be missed but NEVER forgotten. I will take care of ducky
and bucky Rest In Peace Love you always, Courage

Guppy - We shall miss you so much you were an inspiration I have lost my
shoulder to cry on now R.I.P hun and now no more pain. luv you dearly Zoe