Warriors Host Agreement

Below is a list of Rules for Warriors Hosts and you must agree to them to become a Host of Warriors.

  1. The age limit is 16 yrs old to become a host in Warriors.
  2. We have a zero tolerance of swearing in the league. If you swear in the lobby or at table then it is an automatic 3 days boxing. Take screenshots and send to Admin.
  3. YOU AGREE NOT to disseminate, publish or post any words or messages which a reasonable person would consider abusive, threatening, vulgar, indecent, profane, offensive, libellous, defamatory, harassing, or anything which might contribute or encourage another person to do what is otherwise a criminal offence or violative of any other applicable law
  4. YOU AGREE to regularly read your e-mail, check for postings and updates, so as to maintain informed of any Warriors changes.
  5. YOU AGREE that Your services are on a volunteer basis. Warriors does not require you to set a specific schedule for your volunteer services and any time you spend is at your discretion. As a TD we ask you to hold at least 2 tours a month, HTD 4 tours a month and stay as active as possible in the league.
  6. YOU AGREE to download Macros and Screen Shot Programs and be able to use both proficiently.
  7. YOU AGREE to treat all members of the online community with respect and conduct yourself in a courteous manner at all times.
  8. YOU AGREE not to use your position as a TD to put yourself above others or abuse power in any way. When posting in forums, refrain from being abusive or negative toward other players. In general, just remember to treat your fellow gamers how you would like to be treated.
  9. You will check the schedules found on the main page TD SCHEDULE and SPECIAL SCHEDULE and adhere to it.
  10. You will put rules on your tourney page. We have a TD ASSISTANT to make it easier for you.
  11. You will not interfere in another Hosts tourney unless asked to help.
  12. You will respect at ALL times your fellow hosts.
  13. Regardless of previous experience you will have to do 10 Reg Std tourneys.
  14. You cannot host teams until you have been through them with your trainer.
  15. You cannot host Swiss or D/E's until promoted to HTD and you have been through them with your trainer.

  16. You as a representative of Warriors and MyLeagues agree that any behaviour is not to inflame others. That is no derogative comments on your messenger headers in regards to Warriors and its members, NO advertising other leagues while you are hosting in Warriors on your IM as a matter of courtesy ( doesn't look good when you are linking members to be advertising another league, bearing in mind we allow you to host in other leagues whereas most leagues do not allow that.) No negative comments and digs in the lobby. You are to set an example.

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