Welcome to the TD team for FTP Team Crib!
Here are a few things you need to know about our policies and procedures.

Tournament Director Policies and Procedures

1.     Please make sure you read the TD Guide.

2.    Always try to give a variety of play and entry bux charged.

3.    Be watchful.  You are there to run the tournament.  Please make sure that you watch the lobby at all times to see if there is a problem or missing player.

4.    All TDs must be visible on Yahoo Messenger/Pager from opening of check-in to end of tournament.  Please take this time to add your HTD team to your friends list.  By doing this, if any questions or problems occur, you can contact us or your players immediately.

5.    You may host and play at the same time provided you can keep up.  If your hosting suffers from multiple tournaments, we will ask you to concentrate on only one at a time.

6.     As a rule, open your check in and start advertising your tournament 30 minutes before tournament time. Please do not spam the lobby continually in capital letters if there are tournaments currently running.  Two or three announcements in lobby are plenty.

7.    Fun tournaments with bots, switching seats, special cards, or player restrictions should be non-ladderstats.  Tournaments that are by invite only need to be non stats also.

8.    If you find that you need to cancel or move a tournament that is shown on the main page schedule, please let the HTDs know so that we can find a replacement tourney to fill that spot.

9.    If you find that your main page and your rules page do not match, you must go by the rules page.  The only exception would be if the tournament set-up is different (i.e., Swiss on rules but created as s/e).

10.   All TDs should have the utmost respect for each other.  If you have a problem with a fellow TD, please try to work it out privately.  If unable to resolve by yourselves, you can go to one of your Head TDs and have them mediate for you.  Never take your argument public!

11.  On the TD Admin page are the links to submit an incorrect tournament report.  If you make an error in reporting that needs to be fixed utilize the appropriate link (SE, DE, and SS) and fill the form out completely to directly submit the tournament to Myleague Support to be adjusted.

12.  We  allow our td's to host on other ladders PROVIDING they are not the same kind of ladder. This would mean ladders in direct competition with us, other TEAM cribbage leagues. They may still host in any singles ladders, and teams in any other game but cribbage.